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Tips and tricks for e-bike battery care | simplon.com


In the Simplon magazine, we share our best tips and tricks for taking care of your e-bike battery. Keep reading and find out more!

Bike battery care: the most important questions answered

How to store and maintain an e-bike battery 

Winter riders – an intrepid species indeed. Who would have thought that there are people who dare to hit the road in frosty temperatures? Most riders store their bike in the depths of their cellar during the colder months. And most e-bikes face the same fate every winter. 

But how do you store your bike’s battery during its winter hiatus? What’s there to keep in mind? And which temperatures are really bad for it? 

We’ve summarised the most important questions and answers relating to battery storage and maintenance. Read up on them and learn more! 


How long does the service life of an e-bike battery last? 

Just like other types of batteries, e-bike batteries tend to deteriorate over time. However, the individual life cycle of a battery isn’t cast in stone. Numerous external factors influence the battery’s service life. For instance, the duration and type of use but also the right care and storage. 

Lithium ion batteries of the latest generation – which Simplon uses for all its e-bikes – are true powerhouses. With an integrated battery management system (BMS), they boast an impressively long service life. Some manufacturers claim their batteries can handle up to 1,000 full charging cycles. This equals an average riding performance of 60 kilometres per charge or 60,000 kilometres per battery. In ideal conditions, the standard life cycle of a bike battery is three to six years. 


How far can you go on a fully charged battery? 

A question that almost every biker asks ahead of buying a new e-bike: How far can I go on one charge? But there is no universal answer to that. It can take you from 20 kilometres to over 100. Why? Various factors influence the battery’s range – for instance, the chosen support level, air drag, the weight of the rider, tyre pressure and the terrain you’re riding on. 

Are you planning the next summit conquest, or are you cruising through the city on flat terrain? Are you riding on a trail, on asphalt or on a forest road? Depending on the tour, the battery has to withstand different types of strain. And, of course, the number of watt-hours under your saddle plays an important role too. The most common types of batteries have between 200 and 625 watt-hours. 


What to keep in mind for battery care and maintenance? 

Don’t just throw your battery in a random corner for winter! This piece of equipment needs a bit of maintenance and care, too. We recommend taking it off before you clean it, and then wiping it down with a damp rag.

Caution: Do not use any caustic or corrosive cleaning products! They might damage the battery’s surface. You should also avoid using a high-pressure water jet on it – or, even worse, a steam jet. 

Important: The plugs should be checked for damage from time to time, cleaned with a rag and then lubed with oil. 


What’s the best way to store a bike battery? 

By treating your e-bike battery carefully, you can significantly extend its service life. Correct storage plays an important role in that. Rule of thumb: Always store your battery in a dry place with temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius and without direct exposure to sunlight! For storage, the battery charge should ideally be between 30 and 60 percent. 

Good to know: If you’re not a member of the aforementioned intrepid species of riders and prefer to leave your bike untouched in the cellar during the winter months, you should still check on it once in a while and recharge the battery, if necessary. 


What’s especially important in winter? 

You’re not the only one who feels most comfortable in warm clothing during the wet and cold winter months. An e-bike – but especially, the battery – loves to have it warm, too. Low temperatures reduce the battery’s capacity and thus its range. 

Tip for winter riders: Detach the battery after every ride and take it into the warm apartment or office with you to make sure it doesn’t get too cold! Charge it at room temperature and only mount it again right before your next ride! 

Good to know: High-quality batteries – like the ones used by Simplon for its bikes – are always equipped with the latest lithium ion technology. They’re better insulated and hardly show any power loss, even in colder temperatures. 

Now that you know how to take care of an e-bike battery, all you’re missing is an e-bike? Go ahead and browse Simplon’s selection of e-bikes, e-mountain bikes and e-road bikes



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